
IS-Wireless starts H2020 eWINE project! Meet us at MWC!

IS-Wireless acquires funds within H2020 and participates in eWINE project
H2020 eWINE has just started with the kick-off meeting in Gent, Belgium. Besides IS-Wireless, the consortium consists of various academic and industrial institutions including: iMinds, Trinity College Dublin, TUBerlin, TUDresden, Institut “Jožef Stefan”, Thales, Martel, SigFox Wireless and Spacetime Networks.

The project will last for 2 years and is a continuation of a well-established CREW project. The main goal of eWINE is to realize elastic networks that can scale to a high number of users in a short timespan through the use of an agile infrastructure (intelligent software and flexible hardware), enabling: Dynamic on-demand end-to-end wireless connectivity service provisioning Elastic resource sharing in dense heterogeneous and small cell networks (HetSNets) Intelligent and informed configuration of the physical layer 

Click here to find more information about the project:

Meet us at MWC 2016
We will be attending the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona on the 22nd – 25th February. If you would like to arrange a meeting with our CEO – Dr. Slawomir Pietrzyk – please contact us at [email protected]