Open RAN for Beyond 5G Wireless Networks: Challenges and Visions – online conference

Open RAN for Beyond 5G Wireless Networks: Challenges and Visions – online conference

Save the date! The online conference about the future of mobile networks is coming this Autumn.

List of topics:

  1. Wireless network management (e.g. RAN Disaggregation, Micro-service Oriented Architecture, Telemetry Aggregation and Processing, Multi-agent Management, Big Data Analytics, Zero-touch Service Management, etc.)
  2. ML/AI for future wireless networks (e.g. Swarm Intelligence, Event Prediction, Distributed Learning, Federated Learning, Meta-learning, etc)
  3. Emerging technologies (e.g. Cell-free, Large Scale mMIMO, THz transmission, Optical-wireless, HW acceleration, Molecular Communication and Internet of Nano-Things, Large Dimensional Networks, etc.)
  4. Edge and cloud RAN enablers (e.g. Multi-cloud Orchestration, Telco-compatible Virtualization, MEC, etc.)
  5. Energy efficiency, (e.g. Energy harvesting, SWIPT, Green Communication, etc.)
  6. Security, (Security at the Edge, Quantum Communication, Blockchain, DLT, etc.)
  7. Use-cases (e.g. Zero-touch Network, Internet of Everything, O-RAN use-cases, etc.)
  8. Distributed Network Management Orchestration for Next-Generation Sustainability.

We will be sharing more information soon. If you are interested in being a speaker just let us know: [email protected]

Conference website: