
IS-Wireless announcing launch of MTC Lab!


IS-Wireless is proud to announce a commercial launch of MTC Lab – a unique system-level simulator designed to model the behavior of Machine-Type-Communications within LTE network. MTC Lab is accompanied by a new lab case for 4G University Suite – a platform for research and education explicitly targeting academic customers.

MTC devices are predicted to be a substantial part of 5G ecosystem. MTC Lab is our newest simulation library directly related to a successful 5GNOW project.” says Dr. Slawomir Pietrzyk, CEO of IS-Wireless.

About 5GNOW

5GNOW stands for the 5th Generation Non-Orthogonal Waveforms for Asynchronous Signalling. 5GNOW targets the evolution of mobile communication network technology such as LTE-Advanced toward emerging application challenges like the Internet of Things, the Digital Agenda and Heterogeneous Networks. 5GNOW encompasses the following partners: Fraunhofer HHI, Alcatel-Lucent, CEA-Leti, IS-Wireless, National Instruments and TU Dresden and has a cost of 3.5 million EUR.

To obtain more information, please contact our sales office at: [email protected]