
Last chance to team up for 5G

IS-Wireless – rapidly developing Polish LTE/ LTE-A IPR provider is looking for an opportunity to utilize skills and knowledge by joining consortia applying for funds within H2020 (The EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation) within the November call – Advanced 5G Network Infrastructure for the Future Internet (H2020-ICT-2014-2).

A great chance to meet would be during an ICT Proposers Day, held in Florence on 9th and 10th October 2014 and provides a great opportunity to network, join information sessions, submit proposals and get up-to-date information on the research and innovation topics of the Work Programme 2015 and the content for calls.

We are specifically interested in :

– M2M / MTC PHY & protocol stacks
– 1000x network densification
– SON, HetNets and small cells development and deployment
– Massive MIMO

Why us you might ask?
First of all our group of devoted researchers have significant experience in LTE, LTE-A PHY & stack implementation as well as link – level and system – level modelling. Our experts have strong R&D background what will add knowledge, skills, and non-standard way of thinking to any project. We are taking part in 7FP projects such as 5GNOW and SOLDER. We also provide strong software developing skills and competences in design and implementation of broadband radio interfaces.

If you have ideas for projects – contact us NOW (tel: +48 22 213 8297, email: [email protected]). We can setup a F2F meeting in Florence on 9-10 Oct. or talk over a phone.